There are 4 measures you need to take and find out your normal levels of cholesterol. These measures are LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, and cholesterol ratios.
Before finding out your cholesterol levels, you need to have a blood test. After your blood test does not get too alarmed if your total cholesterol level is higher than normal.
You must understand the correlation of total cholesterol, LDL, and HDL to the cholesterol ratio, which is explained below.
Normal Cholesterol Levels & Numbers
All the numbers and measures below are expressed in mg/dL.
1. Total Cholesterol Levels
- Total normal levels of cholesterol should be under 200. 200 to 239 is borderline high, and 240 and higher is considered high.
2. LDL Normal Cholesterol Levels
- LDL normal levels of cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, should be under 130. If it’s between 160 and 189, it’s high, and if it’s 190 or more, it’s very high. You must focus on lowering LDL/Bad cholesterol.
HDL/Good Cholesterol Levels
HDL normal levels of cholesterol should be over 40 – the higher, the better because it helps protect against clogging of the arteries. The best would be to have it at more than 60. And in contrast to LDL cholesterol, you must focus on raising HDL cholesterol, since it helps to remove bad cholesterol from building up in arteries.
Triglycerides Levels
Triglycerides, another fatty substance that increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, are too high if they’re over 150.
Click here for a product to bring your blood cholesterol numbers back to the normal range.
Cholesterol Ratio Levels
Probably the most important factor for normal levels of cholesterol is the cholesterol ratio.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE. The ratio of total cholesterol and HDL is actually the most important number in your cholesterol measure. The higher this number the worse it is for your heart.
The cholesterol ratio is more accurate in foreseeing heart attack & disease, stroke, & other types of cardiovascular diseases.
The normal levels of cholesterol ratios for total cholesterol to HDL should be below 4 as a general rule for both men and women.
However, a very good ratio is 3.5, excellent is 3.0 and fantastic is 2.6. If you can get your ratio down between 2.4 and 2.8, you can actually experience a reversal of heart disease.
The cholesterol ratio numbers are a way of knowing the “movements” of cholesterol inside our bodies. In other words, we can easily understand if cholesterol is being stored excessively inside our body cells or/and it is well-metabolized and cleared from our body.
Now, it can be imagined that heart attacks are possible in people with high cholesterol numbers. However, it is strange to hear that people with low cholesterol numbers can has also heart attacks. This is because they have low HDL levels too, increasing the related ratio.
The simple equation to find out the ratio is HDL/Total Cholesterol or LDL/HDL.
Whereas the normal levels of cholesterol ratios of LDL to HDL should be less than 2.5. And remember that this is the best indicator of risk of heart disease and stroke.
How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally if You Have Higher than Normal Levels of Cholesterol.
First, work with your food. Reduce the number of fats, especially saturated fats, in your diet. It has the effect of reducing your blood cholesterol. Some people are able to control their cholesterol levels without any other help. But for many, diet alone may have little effect. Estimates are that 75% of people suffering from higher than normal levels of cholesterol are not able to use a diet to control their cholesterol because their liver produces high amounts of cholesterol regardless of the dietary cholesterol intake. |
We have received comments from our readers however, that diet & exercise has helped them to lower cholesterol without doing other things.
Certainly, you can use drugs to lower cholesterol. They are effective but their side effects are very undesirable at the least e.g. muscle pain, memory loss, liver dysfunction, impotence, constipation, like Lipitor side effects or Zocor side effects. At the worst side effects may cause death. (That’s why Bayer withdrew “voluntarily” Baycol since there were a number of deaths due to usage of Baycol)
You can use clinically proven supplements, that have lowered cholesterol. For example, our founder, Artin Vaqari used a specific supplement that contains a number of cholesterol-lowering ingredients like policosanol, red yeast, and more. It lowered his total cholesterol naturally without any side effects.
As mentioned, policosanol which is a safe and natural extract from sugar cane wax has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol by at least 14 percent.
Policosanol has been the subject of numerous clinical trials involving over 30,000 people and has been used by millions in other countries since 1993.
Policosanol works by helping the liver control its production and breakdown of cholesterol, as well as being a powerful antioxidant, preventing LDL oxidation.
Clinical studies show that policosanol is as effective as prescription drugs in lowering cholesterol levels, without their dangerous side effects.
See the tables below for specific trials comparing policosanol, with 3 different cholesterol-lowering drugs.
copy chart
And, what’s more, policosanol costs much cheaper than cholesterol-lowering drugs. You can find it for less than USD $30. Compare this with the price of cholesterol drugs below.