It’s important to learn how to lower triglycerides naturally since high triglyceride levels are an important risk factor for many diseases.
Below you will find 5 natural ingredients that help lower triglycerides. But before going there a quick overview of triglycerides
Triglycerides are types of fats stored within cells and are the major source of energy for the normal metabolism and functions of your body. Vegetable oils and animal fats are the two major sources of triglycerides for humans. Extra calories acquired by eating foods including carbohydrates, fats, or proteins are ultimately stored as fats within cells.
A high triglyceride level is an important risk factor for many diseases including heart attack, clogged blood vessels, and diabetes to name a few. High triglycerides should be treated as early as possible to prevent further complications.
There are several conventional medicines like statins, fibrates, and nicotinic acid derivatives available to lower triglycerides but all of these carry a number of side effects especially if long-term treatment is advised.
5 Natural Therapy Supplementations to Lower Triglycerides Naturally
Following are a few from the long list of natural products available to lower triglycerides. Please consult your doctor before using any of these or other natural supplementation.
1. Psyllium Husk
Psyllium husk is a common ingredient of natural formulas to lower triglycerides naturally. Taking psyllium husk made from the plant Plantago ovata slows down food absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and supports your body to enhance sugar metabolism.
Using psyllium husk will ultimately minimize the storage of triglycerides and reduce the overall burden of triglycerides. Adding a teaspoon of psyllium husk to your food is often recommended. However, adding more water is also recommended along with this fiber, as it retains a significant volume of water and swells.
Along with lowering triglycerides naturally, it also helps in constipation, lowers cholesterol, acts as a safe laxative, and can be used to lose weight.
2. Lipoic Acid
A new research study done with mice found that supplements of lipoic acids inhibit the narrowing of blood vessels, lower triglycerides, and also reduce blood vessel inflammation and weight gain. All these are the key risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Lipoic acid is a natural compound, occurring at low levels in green leafy vegetables, potatoes, and red meat especially organ meat such as kidney, heart, or liver. It is an important antioxidant and is known to decrease triglycerides by up to 60 percent.
Its mode of action includes influencing glucose metabolism and it lower blood glucose by increasing its transport to muscles.
3. Niacin
Niacin, also called nicotinic acid or vitamin B3, is a water-soluble vitamin known to lower triglycerides naturally. If given at recommended doses, it reduces triglycerides, cholesterol, “bad” or LDL cholesterol, and increases “good” or HDL cholesterol (2).
The dose of niacin recommended to lower triglycerides naturally is between 1000 and 2000 mg two to three times daily. As it blocks the breakdown of fats, it causes a decrease in free fatty acids in the blood and thus decreases cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
Niacin is often recommended in patients who are at high risk of a heart attack.
4. Fish Oil (Omega 3)
Fish oil is often added to natural supplementation formulas for lowering triglycerides naturally. A research study showed that fish oil supplementation is highly effective to lower triglycerides naturally. The study found an average reduction of triglycerides by 38% and an increase of “good” cholesterol (HDL) in both men and women taking fish oil on daily basis.
5. Garlic
Garlic is a very famous natural herb used in many natural supplementation formulas. Several studies have proved its beneficial effects in lowering triglycerides naturally as well as cholesterol.
It is commonly employed in the treatment of hypertension as well as in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. One study showed a significant decrease in triglycerides and cholesterol, after a few weeks of treatment with garlic.
Garlic along with many other beneficial health effects can help in lowering the triglyceride levels if added to the diet at recommended doses.
Again the same supplement mentioned above that contains niacin contains garlic as well. Click here to access the product review of such supplements that can lower triglycerides naturally.
To lower triglycerides naturally, natural medicine provides excellent alternatives to conventional medicines which are not without side effects. Psyllium husk, niacin, fish oil, garlic, and lipoic acid are commonly used in natural supplementation formulas to lower triglycerides naturally.