Find out the effects of chicken cholesterol.
These days a lot of people have high cholesterol, and they want to find out the best way to lower their cholesterol and what they should eat to keep these numbers in check.
One food that many people consider to be healthy is chicken, so we will look into the amount of cholesterol chicken has, as well as the amount of saturated fat. This will help to determine whether the chicken cholesterol effects are beneficial or not for our blood.
Chicken Cholesterol – Fact #1:
You might be worried about the amount of cholesterol chicken contains, especially when you read the PCRM Good Medicine Magazine, which states:
“Four ounces of beef-just the size of a deck of cards-and four ounces of chicken both contain about 100 milligrams of cholesterol, and the cholesterol from chicken does just as good of a job at clogging arteries and causing heart disease.”(1)
However, it is important to keep in mind that the level of chicken cholesterol does not have as much of an effect on your blood cholesterol as the levels of saturated fats.
Chicken Cholesterol – Fact #2:
According to the Tufts University School of Nutrition, “Boneless, skinless chicken breasts offer great convenience and a good way to get protein (half your daily value in a three-ounce serving) without a lot of fat (three grams total, including just one gram of saturated fat) or calories (140, only 18 percent of them from fat).(2)
Since high levels of saturated fat is one of the main things that causes high cholesterol, even though there is some chicken cholesterol, chicken breasts make a good choice when you are trying to lower your cholesterol levels because they are low in this type of fat compared to many other types of meat.
What should you do?
As you can see by the information above, the effects of chicken cholesterol depends on a number of different factors. If you cook it in a manner that doesn’t contribute to saturated fat levels, such as broiling, grilling, or baking it, it is fine in moderation.
As it does contain a certain amount of cholesterol, you don’t want to eat large amounts of it, however.
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(1) “There’s No Room for Chicken in a Healthy Diet”, PCRM Good Medicine Magazine, Spring/Summer 2000, Volume IX, Number 2.
(2) “51 Healthy Foods You Can Say Yes To”, Special Supplement to the Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, August 2005, pg 3.